
Showing posts from October, 2018


Happy Halloween! We had a great day celebrating together. We worked on some bat art which turned out very cute and had fun dressing up in our costumes. Have a safe and happy Halloween! We will see everyone tomorrow for our PJ and numeracy day! I have asked students not  to bring stuffed animals or toys but if they have a small blanket they want to bring they are welcome to do that! Here are Nora and Eli in their adorable costumes!🦁🐼


Hi everyone! We still have a small class today - it seems lots of our friends are feeling sick! Today we had a longer work period where we were able to finish up lots of stuff! Everyone finished their identity art and they turned out great! For practicing our weekly words, students had the option of choosing a word work centre or writing out their words in different "Halloween styles." Some of their options were a black and orange pattern, spooky letters, slime letters, costume words or tall and skinny letters. Today for PE, because we had a small class and the gym to ourselves, we decided to do some activities that we don't normally get to do. We practiced our bowling skills as well as ring toss. It was a lot of fun! Lots of students were cheering each other on and everyone was taking turns and working very well together. In the afternoon students had guest reader and music. At the very end of the day, we earned some "responsible work choice" time. The la...


Hello families! Today we chose our weekly words from the "-in" family. We came up with SO many challenge words. In gym we played a new game called "Giants, Wizards, and Elves" which is like giant rock, paper, scissors! In the afternoon we had our literacy groups! We are looking forward to a busy week ahead! We are working hard to fill our pom pom jar so we can win a PJ day for this Thursday. I will keep you posted! Here are some changes to our normal schedule this week: Wednesday - Mad Science Centres with all grade 1/2 classes in the morning - Parade and Halloween celebration in the afternoon - PE outdoors for parade set up Thursday - Numeracy day with Miss Ireland's class in the morning (we will have several numeracy activities for students to participate in - if your child has a game at home they would like to bring that works with numbers feel free to bring it to share!) - Hopefully a PJ day! - Library in the afternoon - PE outdoors in th...

Halloween & Jacket Racket

Hi everyone!  I just wanted to provide an update on the Halloween Costume Parade on Wednesday. If you would like to come check out all the costumes, please come to the school around 1pm on Wednesday, October 31st. You will be directed to the gym where you can view all of the awesome LBS costumes. See you there! 👻 ________________________________________________ Dear Parents, Rooms 14 and 17 are leading a collection of winter clothing to be distributed to Calgarians in need. The clothing will be given to an organization called  Jacket Racket . We will collect as much winter clothing (Jackets, Mittens, Snow pants, etc) as we can. To do this, we are asking that all students at LBS bring in any winter clothing they are willing to donate over the next month. It is important that the items are in good, clean condition. For more information about Jacket Racket, please visit the website using this link:  here .


Hi Everyone! We had a busy day today! We had music in the morning and an assembly put on by room 8 and 11. In the afternoon we had library and we practiced our lockdown drill. I was hoping we'd have time to finish our Identity art but that will have to wait until next week! Please check your emails for an email from Mrs. Jones regarding today's lockdown drill. Please remember that tomorrow is a PD day! Today students are bringing home a Guest Reader schedule for November (if they wanted to participate) and the November Scholastic Orders. Halloween At LBS we love to celebrate Halloween! On Wednesday, October 31st, students will be able to wear the costumes at school. Students will be changing into their costumes after lunch - this means that they need to bring a costume to school in the morning that they can independently put on  over top of their clothes.  We can't send every student in the school to the bathroom to change. Of course, I can help with tying/buttoning...


Hi everyone! Weekly Words This week for our weekly words, we are focusing on the "-it" family. The students came up with some really great words this week. The 5-8 words they chose came home in communication folders today.  In the afternoon we had guest reader and literacy groups! We also had a chat about lockdown drills. We will be having one later this week! We talk about how Canada is a safe place and Lake Bonavista is a great community and we don't need to worry about people coming into the school that aren't suppose to be here.. it's just in case! We will practice tomorrow and talk about it more.  On Wednesday I will be away for some appointments but I will be back on Thursday! On Thursday we will enjoy an assembly put on by rooms 8 and 11. We are also hoping to finish up our identity activities this week! Halloween At LBS we love to celebrate Halloween! On Wednesday, October 31st, students will be able to wear the costumes at school. Stud...


Happy Friday! What a busy week! This week we were working on the "-et" family for our Weekly Words and we started some new Word Work Centres. Here are some photos: We have also been talking a lot about identity and are working on a project surrounding the idea of identity. So far, students have written sentences to share about their identity. We used the yellow interview sheets to help us come up with sentences. We wrote about where we come from, words that describe us, things that we like, languages we speak, and our values/what is important to us. Next week we will start the painting part of our project! Students have been thinking about how they can paint their backgrounds in a way that also represents their identity. I will share some photos when we are done! Yesterday, a student found a leaf outside that didn't look like any of the other leaves around it. We thought it was interesting looking and the students wanted to find out what kind of tre...

Wednesday - Field Trips

Hi Everyone! We had an awesome time at Fort Calgary today. Thank you so much to all of our volunteers - without you we can't have these learning experiences. Thank you for taking the day to join us. 😊 We have another field trip coming up quickly! On Thursday, November 22nd, we will be going to the Arts Commons for One Day Art School. Please send me an email if you have your clearance and are interested in volunteering with us. This will be a full day trip with some fun performing arts. I will share more of an update and some pictures about what we have been up to this week on Friday! Enjoy this beautiful, sunny day!


Hi Everyone! I apologize for the lack of blogs! I was ill last week but I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. Usually my immune system is quite strong but this year has been a challenge so far! Last week we talked a lot about butterflies and moths! When I was away on Friday, students discussed the life cycle of a butterfly and recreated their own life cycles. Today we got back to our regular Daily 5 schedule. We then created our new weekly words! The weekly words were sent home today to practice. Tomorrow we will be starting a new set of Word Work Centres. This week we are working with words in the "-et" family. Here's a video that may support your child in sounding out "-et" words (Warning - it is VERY cheesy.)  In the afternoon we split up into our literacy groups! So far students really seem to be enjoying working with a different teacher/different group of students. At the end of the day we ...


Hi everyone, Today we started our day with a presentation from Kananaskis in the Classroom about butterflies and moths. We played some games about the parts of a butterfly, the life cycle or a butterfly and a game about pollination. We did our Word Work Centres and started some math. The grade ones were working on representing the numbers 1-10 in different ways and the grade 2s were working on an activity with numbers 1-100. We will be continuing with this tomorrow. We also had our photos taken this morning! Because of picture day, we had to have our PE time outside. In the afternoon we did Mindful Minutes and guest reader. We then chatted a bit about our Family and Culture interviews. I'm learning so many interesting things about the students. We will have to do even more with all this information than originally planned. We then had our literacy groups with Mr. Link and Miss Ireland. After recess we read another chapter of our Secrets of Droon book and did our class...

Jacket Racket

Dear Parents, Rooms 14 and 17 are leading a collection of winter clothing to be distributed to Calgarians in need. The clothing will be given to an organization called  Jacket Racket . We will collect as much winter clothing (Jackets, Mittens, Snow pants, etc) as we can. To do this, we are asking that all students at LBS bring in any winter clothing they are willing to donate over the next month. It is important that the items are in good, clean condition. For more information about Jacket Racket, please visit the website using this link:  here .


Hello families, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! This morning we did not do Explore and Play as we were anticipating an assembly! We watched Bookflix instead! We then had a Kananaskis in the Classroom assembly called "Ugly Bugly" where we learned about butterflies and moths through some funny songs and dances. Try to be at school on time tomorrow as we will be having an in-class follow up presentation first thing tomorrow morning!  Our weekly words for this week are from the "an" family. Students used their sound board to create as many "an" words as they could with a partner. Then we brainstormed as a class and students were asked to choose 5-8 words to be their Weekly Words this week. In the afternoon we finished choosing our words and students went to music. At the end of the day we did Guest Reader! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Everyone has either paid for or returned their ADmazing Savings books before the due date. Thank you for getting ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Hello families! Today we finished our turkeys and enjoyed some free choice time! We learned about space during our snack times and we did our last word work centre for the week. Today I sent home Raz-Kids passwords so you can access the accounts from home! Just visit or download the app! Please remember to return field trip forms on Tuesday, October 9th. I am also still waiting for a few more ADmazing Savings books/money. PICTURE DAY IS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10TH! Have a very happy Thanksgiving!


Hi everyone! This morning we had music and continued with our Word Work Centres. We did the good copy of our turkeys with crayon and painted them with water colour paint. Tomorrow we will cut them out and mount them on fall-coloured paper. During Mindful Minutes today, we did another Cosmic Kids yoga as students seem to be really enjoying it. We chose to do a Harry Potter themed video. In the afternoon we did the painting part of our turkeys. Guest Reader Guest reader has been going very well so far this year! I've got a few emails asking me how students do on their guest reader day and decided to start sending some more information home. During guest reader, I will record the students reading so they can watch it back. Students will be bringing home a bright green sheet the the 2 stars and a wish that the class shares and what they thought they did well and could improve on after watching their video back. We started this today! Tomorrow is a half day! Please remember to ...


Hello families, This morning we talked about Thanksgiving and read a story about realizing what things in life are really important. We discussed how it's better to have really awesome friends and family than a really awesome toy. We then brainstormed things that we are thankful for and wrote a list in our writing books. We talked about lists needing a title and how we can use dashes or bullet points. Students were able complete a second Word Work centre today as well. Instead of Daily 5 today, we got together with our Grade 3 buddy class and talked about buddy reading and the different ways we can share books with someone. In the afternoon we finished our Cosmic Kids yoga during Mindful Minutes and had a little more time to work on our "I am thankful for..." lists. We then split up into our literacy groups with Miss Ireland and Mr. Link. Ask your child what they did in their group today! Today students are bringing home field trip forms for Fort Calgary. If you hav...


Hi everyone! What a day! I am definitely not ready for winter. Today we were missing 5 students in our classroom! Some teachers didn't even make it to school on time today. In the morning we had a longer Explore and Play with Ms. Brown's class while we waited for more students to arrive to school. We had a short daily 5 where students could choose read to self, buddy reading or word work. After snack, we started some Word Work Centres. There were 5 different centres students could use to practice their Weekly Words. Here are some pictures! The students really seemed to enjoy it. We are also working on some Thanksgiving art work. Today we did a step by step drawing of our turkey's for practice and later this week we will work on the colouring and painting. Here is a picture of the first step for some of our turkeys! (Can you tell I'm trying to get better at taking and sharing photos?) In the afternoon we did Cosmic Kids Yoga for Mindful Minutes a...


Hello everyone! Weekly Words Today we started back with our Weekly Words and tried something a little different. We talked about the "ab" family of words. Students worked with a partner and a "sound board" to come up with as many different "ab" words as they could. They created 3 columns in their books and wrote 3-letter words, 4/5-letter words and 6+ letters. We then talked as a class and shared our ideas to create a big list of "ab" words. I was so impressed with the "Challenge Words" that students came up with. From this list, each student chose 5-8 words that they will practice this week. We talked about how we want to be learning words that are new to us so that our brains can grow, but that we don't want to choose a lot of words that are very challenging for us because we don't want to get frustrated. The students then wrote their words out twice so they would have a list for school and a list for home. We had a VERY he...