
Hi Everyone!

I apologize for the lack of blogs! I was ill last week but I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. Usually my immune system is quite strong but this year has been a challenge so far!

Last week we talked a lot about butterflies and moths! When I was away on Friday, students discussed the life cycle of a butterfly and recreated their own life cycles.

Today we got back to our regular Daily 5 schedule. We then created our new weekly words! The weekly words were sent home today to practice. Tomorrow we will be starting a new set of Word Work Centres. This week we are working with words in the "-et" family. Here's a video that may support your child in sounding out "-et" words (Warning - it is VERY cheesy.) 

In the afternoon we split up into our literacy groups! So far students really seem to be enjoying working with a different teacher/different group of students. At the end of the day we read a story  called "In My Heart" about feelings. It is such a beautiful book. We talked about positive and negative feelings and feelings that fall somewhere in the middle. We discussed how it is ok to have negative feelings but we shouldn't be having negative feelings all the time because we're missing out on so many positive feelings. It was even brought up that sometimes we have feelings that we don't even know about yet and aren't able to express (then in turn, we feel confused!) At the very end of the day we had a chat about the green notice that came home today and talked about ways that we can keep ourselves safe! If you have not seen this form, please check your child's backpack as it is very important!

Today we also had a quick chat about Canadian Culture. We talked a little bit about the things that come to mind when you think of Canada or a Canadian person and how some of these are true for a lot of Canadians and some of them are stereotypes. We created a list of some of the things that make up Canadian culture. Some of those things were:
- Maple syrup
- Maple leaf
- Hockey
- Tim Horton's
- Snow/cold weather
- Canada Day
- Loonies/toonies

Fort Calgary
Wednesday is our first field trip of the year! I'm really excited to have so many of you coming with us! Please remember to send your child (and yourself if you're volunteering) with a litter-free lunch as much as possible. A water bottle and shoes for walking are also important. I've never been to Fort Calgary for a field trip before and have heard wonderful things! It is quite hard to book there as it fills up very fast. We lucked out!

If you have any questions about the field trip please do not hesitate to call or send an email!


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