
Hi everyone!

We still have a small class today - it seems lots of our friends are feeling sick!

Today we had a longer work period where we were able to finish up lots of stuff! Everyone finished their identity art and they turned out great! For practicing our weekly words, students had the option of choosing a word work centre or writing out their words in different "Halloween styles." Some of their options were a black and orange pattern, spooky letters, slime letters, costume words or tall and skinny letters.

Today for PE, because we had a small class and the gym to ourselves, we decided to do some activities that we don't normally get to do. We practiced our bowling skills as well as ring toss. It was a lot of fun! Lots of students were cheering each other on and everyone was taking turns and working very well together. In the afternoon students had guest reader and music. At the very end of the day, we earned some "responsible work choice" time. The last two days have been lovely - maybe PJ day bribery is the way to go! 😜 We are getting close to filling our jar with pom-poms.

Photo Retakes
Today was the deadline for returning photo orders to the school. You will still be able to send them tomorrow if you missed it! Photo retake day will be on Monday, November 12th. Please let me know if you are interested in photo retakes so I know who to send down on that day.

Guest Reader
Guest reader has been going great so far this year! Every time a student shares a story I notice an improvement from their previous turn. I fell a little behind on having students watching their videos back and assessing themselves. We finished these today so you will find a lime green guest reader sheet in your child's communication folder if they've had GR in the last few days.

Cartoon Club
Today there was a meeting for Cartooning Club. This is for students in grades 1-6 and will be Thursdays at lunch. If your child was interested, they went to the brief meeting at lunch time and will be bringing home a notice.

I hope to see many of you at our Halloween parade on Wednesday afternoon. The parade will be around 1pm. Please come in through the front doors and you will be directed to the gym. After the parade we ask that you do not come down to the classroom for security reasons. We can't have all of our visitors wandering the school. If you want to say a quick goodbye to your child by the gym that's completely fine but we are asking parents to stay in and around the gym area. Thanks for understanding!

Siblings are also welcome to come check out costumes! If you have any questions or concerns about Halloween please let me know. If your child requires face paint, they can come to school in the morning with their face paint but we will not be applying face paint at school.

This year teachers are able to do their attendance online. If your child is going to be away, please send me a quick email to let me know the reason. This way I can put in as much information as I have into attendance from my end of things and make work lighter for the office staff. If you are unable to do this it is no big deal but whenever possible it is greatly appreciated. It is also important to email the office or call them as I may be away that day too. Emails can be sent to LakeBonavista@cbe.ab.ca. 

We are hoping to get library books returned tomorrow if possible! We are without Ms. Kassam on Thursday so I will have to check out the books on my own. If we return books tomorrow, Ms. Kassam can sign everything in for us making Thursday run more smoothly. Thanks!


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