
Hello everyone!

Weekly Words
Today we started back with our Weekly Words and tried something a little different. We talked about the "ab" family of words. Students worked with a partner and a "sound board" to come up with as many different "ab" words as they could. They created 3 columns in their books and wrote 3-letter words, 4/5-letter words and 6+ letters. We then talked as a class and shared our ideas to create a big list of "ab" words. I was so impressed with the "Challenge Words" that students came up with. From this list, each student chose 5-8 words that they will practice this week. We talked about how we want to be learning words that are new to us so that our brains can grow, but that we don't want to choose a lot of words that are very challenging for us because we don't want to get frustrated. The students then wrote their words out twice so they would have a list for school and a list for home. We had a VERY hectic end to the day and there was a substitute in our classroom. The Weekly Words will have to be sent home tomorrow - I apologize. If your child's R.E.D folder didn't make it home today I will make sure those are sent home tomorrow as well.

In the afternoon we had our Literacy Groups with Mr. Link's class and Miss Ireland's class again. We are trying to get together with these groups on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Ask your child about what they did in their literacy group today! 


  • ADmazing Savings books/money are due back on or before Oct. 12 - please let me know if you need additional books
  • October Scholastic orders are due Tuesday, October 9th
  • Picture Day - Oct. 10th
  • Fort Calgary Field Trip - Oct. 17th (forms coming home this week)
If you would like to volunteer for our Fort Calgary trip please let me know! We are still looking for 1-2 more volunteers! 


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