Hello families,
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
This morning we did not do Explore and Play as we were anticipating an assembly! We watched Bookflix instead! We then had a Kananaskis in the Classroom assembly called "Ugly Bugly" where we learned about butterflies and moths through some funny songs and dances. Try to be at school on time tomorrow as we will be having an in-class follow up presentation first thing tomorrow morning!
Our weekly words for this week are from the "an" family. Students used their sound board to create as many "an" words as they could with a partner. Then we brainstormed as a class and students were asked to choose 5-8 words to be their Weekly Words this week.
In the afternoon we finished choosing our words and students went to music. At the end of the day we did Guest Reader!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Everyone has either paid for or returned their ADmazing Savings books before the due date. Thank you for getting this done - I am so glad to not have to call home to locate books/money! 😅 We sold 20 books in our classroom and this money has a huge impact on the resources and projects we get to do in the classroom! Anything additional that we need for special projects or items that can't come from the school (ie. materials for our word work centres) come from this fundraiser. Thank you for your support!
We also have almost all of our Fort Calgary field trip forms returned! Thank you!
October Scholastic orders were due today and have been submitted. If you missed out on this months order you can always choose books from the October flyer to order in November. Hopefully our orders will be here next week. September Scholastic items are coming home today.
If you have not yet returned your yellow culture and identity interview page please do so ASAP. We will be using this information later this week.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
This morning we did not do Explore and Play as we were anticipating an assembly! We watched Bookflix instead! We then had a Kananaskis in the Classroom assembly called "Ugly Bugly" where we learned about butterflies and moths through some funny songs and dances. Try to be at school on time tomorrow as we will be having an in-class follow up presentation first thing tomorrow morning!
Our weekly words for this week are from the "an" family. Students used their sound board to create as many "an" words as they could with a partner. Then we brainstormed as a class and students were asked to choose 5-8 words to be their Weekly Words this week.
In the afternoon we finished choosing our words and students went to music. At the end of the day we did Guest Reader!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Everyone has either paid for or returned their ADmazing Savings books before the due date. Thank you for getting this done - I am so glad to not have to call home to locate books/money! 😅 We sold 20 books in our classroom and this money has a huge impact on the resources and projects we get to do in the classroom! Anything additional that we need for special projects or items that can't come from the school (ie. materials for our word work centres) come from this fundraiser. Thank you for your support!
We also have almost all of our Fort Calgary field trip forms returned! Thank you!
October Scholastic orders were due today and have been submitted. If you missed out on this months order you can always choose books from the October flyer to order in November. Hopefully our orders will be here next week. September Scholastic items are coming home today.
If you have not yet returned your yellow culture and identity interview page please do so ASAP. We will be using this information later this week.
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