April 17-21
Hello families,
This week we had to say "See you later!" to Mrs. Carreno. It has been so wonderful having her in our classroom this year but we are very excited for her to be finished school and entering the world of teaching! We hope to see her around LBS in May as a guest teacher! Thank you for everything Mrs. Carreno!! Since Mrs. Carreno helped us so much with our Best Part of Me writing in the winter, we decided to make her a book called "The Best Parts of Mrs. Carreno" and each student made a page.
Students enjoyed working with our artist in residence, Ms. Sharon. We students used plastic to make some rubbings with water colour crayons. Next week we will work with her again! Each class is creating art based on patterns in nature and our class is working on artwork to represent the water cycle!
This week we also had our last round of Word Work Groups. Students have improved so much in their writing and understanding of spelling patterns. In our room, we will continue some of this work on a smaller scale during our Daily LA word work stations. We've also been working on our snack writing this week and have been continuing the Writer's Workshop process. Students used their graphic organizers to write a first draft and began revising their work for ideas to make it more interesting by adding a hook to the introduction, and using a variety of sentence starters. We will learn more about editing next week!
We wrapped up our learning about nutrition with a final project! Students in grade 1 cut out food items and sorted them based on the food groups and grade 2 students sorted food items to create an example and non-example of a balanced meal. Next week we will be starting to take on the topic of financial literacy!
In science we began talking about buoyancy and we will be continuing with this topic next week! For our morning task on Wednesday, I changed things up a little bit and gave students a photo of a mystery animal. They were asked to write what they noticed about it and what the wondered and we tried our best to figure out what the animal was. Did you see the news article? I don't think I would have been able to identify this animal but the students had great wonderings and predictions!
Here is the article!
Students enjoyed using the Canadian Climber in gymnastics. Next week will be our last week of gymnastics!
- Every Monday - Card Club & Drama Club (for those who have signed up)
- Saturday, April 22nd - Earth Day
- Wednesday, April 26th - School Spirit Day - Patterns
- Friday, May 5th - PD Day - No School
- Thursday, May 18th - Subway Fun Lunch
- Monday, May 22nd - Victoria Day - No School
- Monday, May 29th - PD Day - No School
- Thursday, June 1st - Mary Browns Fun Lunch
- Friday, June 9th - PD Day - No School
- Thursday, June 15th - Papa Johns Fun Lunch
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