
Hello everyone!

In this Blog!

  • Weekly Words
  • Library info
  • Responsible Work Choices
  • Items due back (student information package, ADmazing and Scholastic orders)
  • Welcome Back BBQ/Open House
  • Upcoming Fort Calgary field trip

My apologies for the late blog! The back-to-school germs have gotten to me! Last week we had a quick chat about how to stop germs from spreading and what we can do to help prevent ourselves from getting sick. I know this is a long blog but please take the time to read it as there is lots of important information! 

My favourite part of today was during work period when we got into a discussion about counting to 10 in different languages. We determined that in our classroom we can count to 10 in English, French, Spanish, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese. Pretty neat! I'm hoping we can have some of our students with second languages teach the rest of the class how to count in their language.

Today we started our Daily 5 cycle- students were put into 5 groups and each group participated in a different literacy activity. Students were either reading independently, sharing a book with a partner, listening to reading using Raz-Kids on the iPad, completing a word work activity (moveable alphabet or sandpaper letters to practice weekly words, a literacy board game, etc.) or reading with Ms. Midgley.

During work period we were working on our morning math with the number 10 (or 74, 274, or 2747), and writing our weekend journals. I am finding our class this year works a little more slowly then last year (which is completely fine!) so I am adjusting our daily routines to allow for a longer work period.

In PE, we played a locomotor game called "House" and we played "Wax Museum." After lunch we had mindful minutes and started the second Secrets of Droon story. We then chatted about library expectations. We gave ourselves a little extra time for library since classroom teachers will be running library for the next little while. Our librarian, Mrs. Podgurney, is expected to return some time in October. Until then, we will be having library with Miss Ireland's class twice per week on Monday and Thursday afternoons. This will definitely change when Mrs. Podgurney returns as she does not typically work in the afternoons. Students in grade 1 and 2 are able to take one library book out at a time. Mondays and Thursdays are a great time to return books as we will be heading to the library on those days, however students are able to exchange books in between those days as well. Students can keep books for up to 2 weeks before they become over due but will not be able to take out a second book until their first book is returned.

At the end of the day we had Guest Reader and did our classroom jobs. Since our guest reader was a little shorter today, we had a request for a "Tinga Tinga Tale" at the end of the day so we watched "How the Baboon got its' Bare Bottom." We discussed how this is a fiction story about a real characteristic the animal had.

Weekly Spelling Words
I wanted to provide some clarification for our weekly spelling words. The way we are doing "spelling" in the classroom is not the same way you or I would have done spelling in elementary school. Spelling is not meant to focus on memorizing and spelling all your words correctly on the quiz. These spelling words are meant to help students familiarize themselves with common sight words, develop phonetic skills and knowledge, associate sounds with letters and some letter blends, and explore word families and patterns in words. Practicing writing out spelling words is good fine motor and printing practice for students as well. In order to ease pressure on students and put more emphasis on word patterns and less on spelling words correctly, we will start referring to spelling as "Weekly Words." We will be focusing on a word family, or pattern each week. This week we are working on the "ot" family for our blue list and "sp" blends for our green and orange list. We added an orange list to provide more of a challenge for students.

Weekly Words:
Blue: dot, cot, got, hot, lot, rot, pot, spot
Green: spot, spy, spin, spun, spell, spill, sport, spray
Orange: transport, space, respect, spinner, spring, crispy, spider, sportsmanship

Here is a video that may help students with the blue words: 
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns in regards to this! (or anything!)

Lastly, today we talked about Responsible Work Choices. I created a poster for students to show which work choices they can choose to use when they are finished their "must-dos." Some of our building materials, such as lego, and lincoln logs, will be saved for Explore and Play time and our "Free Choice" time on Fridays. Here is a picture of our poster!

(OK, I lied.. that wasn't the last thing...) If you have not yet returned your Student Information Package please return it ASAP. The office is looking for them back! Please also remember to return your ADmazing Savings books if you are not going to keep them or to send money if you would like to keep them. Scholastic book orders also need to be returned by Thursday! Don't forget you can also order online!

Welcome Back BBQ
Thursday September 20, 2018 LBS Open House and School Council Welcome Back BBQ

Welcome back! It is exciting to start a new school year. 

OPEN HOUSE 3:15  4:15 PM
We are inviting you to come in to the school to explore your childrens classrooms. Come to see where they spend their time learning and exploring. You will meet their teachers and see the materials and spaces they use every day.

The Welcome Back BBQ is a great way to meet up with old friends and make new ones. The BBQ will be held after the open house on September 20th from 4:00 to 6:30pm. Tickets are available at:

Tickets are $3. and include a hot dog, chips, choice of a juice box or water bottle and ice cream.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!

Save the Date!!

The grade 1 and 2 classes at LBS are going on our first field trip of the year to Fort Calgary! We are looking for parent/family volunteers to join us!

When: Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
Time: we will be departing the school at 9:00am and returning to the school around 2:20pm.
What you need: a valid police clearance through LBS, a lunch and a water bottle

If you are available to join us that would be greatly appreciated! We will be needing about 4 or 5 parents to accompany us! All field trip package forms will be sent at a later date. 

Let me know by email if you can come! Thanks!


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