Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year!

Hello families of room 13!

We are off to a great start this year! I had to rush off to an appointment after school yesterday and was unable to write a blog post but here is what we have been up to for the past two days!

In the morning time, students have been working with materials at their table such as lego, colouring and snap cubes. We then have a sharing circle and do a morning exercise on Go Noodle to get our bodies ready to learn. During snack we have been watching some stories on Storyline Online. Yesterday during work period, students did "Morning Math" and today we did Morning Math again as well as decorating our name cards, placemats, and drawing pictures of ourselves with 5 things we enjoy.

Every day students will be completing morning math on a laminated sheet. Each day students get the choice between a 1-digit, 2-digit, and 3-digit number.  They will answer questions such as, is it even or odd? what is 1 more? 1 less? 10 more? and what are the next 5 numbers.

After lunch we have mindful minutes where students can choose to do quiet reading in Miss Ireland's class or mindfulness with Go Noodle in our classroom. Today we started reading the series "Secrets of Droon" and we will continue working on this novel. If students enjoy it, we can continue reading the series.

I have been blown away at the students' ability to help clean up the classroom and their attention to detail! They have done a great job with their classroom jobs at the end of the day.

Tomorrow morning we will have our first music class of the year. Don't forget we are starting early dismissal on Fridays this year. School will be finished at 12:15pm on Friday! I am thinking students will need two snacks on Friday so please still send them with some snacks!

Have a great evening!


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