
Showing posts from September, 2024

September 16-20

Hello families!  Here's our weekly update!  We had fun celebrating Dot Day on Monday! Students worked on a collaborative dot art project that is on  display in the hallway.  In literacy we learned about CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words that we can spell with the letters A, M, P, S and T. We also reviewed the letters P and F with UFLI. We met the characters Polly Panda and Farley Fox. Ask you child about the actions for P and F!  Students have also been working hard to complete literacy and numeracy government assessments. We are getting close to being done! These assessments test letter-sound knowledge, phonemic awareness skills, processing speeds and basic numeracy skills (greater numbers, number lines, counting, identifying numbers, addition and subtraction).  In math this week we also started learning about data collection and made a bar graph of our favourite colours as a class!  We've been enjoying learning about the stories of each person in our classroom! We are lea

September 9-13

We had another great week in room 11! Our first five day week of the year! Here's what we got up to!  We are continuing to practice our inside voices (close-talking voices). We enjoyed reading the story "My Mouth is a Volcano."    We also learned what it means to follow the "group plan." This  is a strategy from Occupational Therapists for students to understand and demonstrate expected behaviours. The program, Social Explorers, is designed to develop social thinking. Specifically, it develops awareness of self, awareness of others, and the impact of our actions on others' feelings and thoughts. The term Group Plan is the expected behaviours and routines. Students are learning how to identify the group plan and join in with their bodies and thinking.  In the mornings, students have been introduced to Opening Task. This is a short, familiar activity that students complete after soft entry. The activity may change depending on what we are learning in the class

September 3-6

Hello families,  Here's our weekly update!  In September we are focusing on building community in our classroom, getting to know each other, and learning classroom routines and expectations. I can tell the biggest thing we need to work on is noise level! 😅 We read the story "We Don't Eat our Classmates" and talked about treating other people the way we want to be treated. Students had fun doing a step-by-step drawing of a T-rex!  We also learned about calendars and completed a calendar activity for September. Grade 2 students labelled each day and wrote the special days in September. Grade 1s could choose a calendar template where they wrote their own numbers to 30 or traced the numbers to 30. They were then asked to colour their calendar in a pattern as I wanted to see what they know about patterns already. These calendars will come home each month to help students and their families remember important events at school. We have so many birthdays in September and wil