
Hi Everyone!

Today we started our daily with Daily 5 literacy! During work period students were doing art with Kids Art Club, working on spelling and some research using PebbleGo. The Grade 1s attended a Flag Day "assembly" in the gym. We had a Lions Club member come talk to us about the Canadian flag and each Grade 1 student will be bringing home a certificate and their own Canadian Flag. We also had our spelling quiz where students quizzed each other - they did a great job!

In the afternoon we had guest reader and went to Mrs. Melindy's class for a story. We then had gym with our big buddy class! We needed to be out of the classroom during this time for our SmartBoard to be fixed... although they did not show up 😔

At the end of the day we had some free choice time while we anticipated the arrival of the SmartBoard techs. For the last 30 minutes of the day we joined Miss Ireland's class to watch Zoboomafoo while they started working on our Smart Board. We are so excited to have a working Smart Board again!

On Monday morning students will have music FIRST THING! There was a change in our regular music schedule.

Please make sure those Fish Creek forms are returned by Monday. We are still hoping for some more volunteers! Please let me know if you're available!

Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful Fathers! Enjoy your weekends!


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